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PublicationsJournals & magazinesD.G. Simons, P.A. van Walree, and J. Janmaat, "Acoustic seafloor classification," Hydro International 8, 36-39, november 2004. Frans-Peter A. Lam, Patrick J. Haley, Jr., Jeroen Janmaat, Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux, Wayne G. Leslie, Mathijs W. Schouten, Lianke A. te Raa, Michel Rixen, "At-sea Real-time Coupled Four-dimensional Oceanographic and Acoustic Forecasts during Battlespace Preparation 2007," Journal of Marine Systems, special REA issue. Henry S. Dol, Mathieu E.G.D. Colin, Michael A. Ainslie, Paul A. van Walree, Jeroen Janmaat, "Simulation of an Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel Characterized by Wind-Generated Surface Waves and Bubbles," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4, October 2013. Conference proceedingsP.A. van Walree, D.G. Simons and J. Janmaat, "Seabed Discrimination with Downward and Forward-Looking Sonars," ECUA 2002 conference proceedings, Gdansk, Poland. J. Janmaat, P.A. van Walree, M.A. Ainslie, D.G. Simons, and C.H. Harrison, "Processing methods for single beam echo sounders: plough marks and sediment characterisation in the North Sea," Hydro 2006 conference proceedings, Antwerp, Belgium. P.A. van Walree, M.A. Ainslie, and J. Janmaat, "Influence of bottom trawling on the normal-incidence reflection coefficient," Underwater Acoustic Measurements 2007 conference proceedings, Heraklion, Crete. C.A.M. van Moll, M.A. Ainslie, F.P.A. Lam, J. Janmaat, "The Most Likely Distribution of Target Echo Amplitudes," Underwater Acoustic Measurements 2007 conference proceedings, Heraklion, Crete. T. van der Zwan, J. Janmaat, "A geographical information system for LFAS," UDT Europe 2007 conference proceedings, Napels, Italy. L.A. te Raa, F.-P.A. Lam, M.W. Schouten and J. Janmaat, "Range-dependent sonar performance modelling during Battlespace Preparation 2007," UDT Europe 2009 conference proceedings, Cannes, France. H.S. Dol, M.A. Ainslie, M.E.G.D. Colin, J. Janmaat, "Simulation of an underwater acoustic communication channel characterized by wind-generated surface waves and bubbles," ECUA 2012 conference proceedings, Edinburgh, Scotland. Henry S. Dol, Mathieu E. G. D. Colin, Michael A. Ainslie, Paul A. van Walree, and Jeroen Janmaat, "Simulation of an underwater acoustic communication channel characterized by wind-generated surface waves and bubbles," UComms 2012 conference proceedings, Sestri Levante, Italy. Christ A.F. de Jong, Michael A. Ainslie, Floor Heinis, Jeroen Janmaat, "Offshore Dredger Sounds: Source Levels, Sound Maps and Risk Assessment," conference proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, 2013, Budapest, Hungary. M. Snellen, K. Siemes, J. Janmaat, D.G. Simons, "The Effect of Bathymetric Measurement Uncertainties on Multibeam Echosounder Sediment Classification," Seabed and Sediment Acoustics conference proceedings, 2015, Bath, United Kingdom.   |