The Lord of the Rings Game One is a text adventure published in 1985 by Melbourne House. In the United States the game was published by Addison-Wesley under the perhaps more fitting name The Fellowship of the Ring. It is a version of Frodo's journey to Rivendell and subsequently Lothlorien, thereby covering the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is somewhat obscure compared to titles by other publishers, such as Infocom, Magnetic Scrolls, and Level 9, but the game has an unusual character of its own and it should make for an interesting outing for IF enthousiasts. Ports exist for - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Amstrad CPC - Acorn BBC Micro - Commodore 64 (two versions) - MS-DOS compatibles - Apple II - Classic Apple Macintosh You are now reading a walkthrough for this game. Therefore proceed with caution! Sources for this document: A walkthrough apparently from the "Spectrum Adventurer website" (now lost), and typed up by "VAXALON" in 1994. A walkthrough made by Dorothy Millard and found on A map in Sinclair User of March 1986. A map created by Hippy Smith in 2013. Written, adapted, and assembled by De Blauwe Schicht ( ** EXTREME SPOILER ALERT ** Some notes in advance There appear to be several ways to successfully reach the end of the first half, one of which not requiring any magic and/or green jewels at all. However, in this walkthrough we shall take the long route, visiting most of the locations and using most of the resources of the game, and which entails defeating the black riders using the green jewels. The main route to Rivendell is patrolled by black riders, who must be avoided. Simply stepping off the road by going north or south will bring us to safety and to possible parallel paths, but there are some bottlenecks that lack an escape, notably the Brandywine Bridge and the Last Bridge across the Mitheithel river. Save your game before attempting these passages. This is one of those games that requires the avatar to eat and/or drink regularly. It seems that the more intense physical activities (such as using the ferry for example) actually burns more calories. If a character becomes hungry, he will be less able to carry items or carry out instructions. Food is in limited supply however, and can only be found in a small number of locations. Some planning may be necessary. And finally: The game is very sensitive to timing. The reader will find that in his own attempt to play this game it is almost certain that he eventually will have to deviate from the meal times and black rider-outmanoeuvring that are stated in this walkthrough. Here we go... When asked, choose Frodo as the character to play. Part I, pick up Merry --------------------- We start in Bag End. First, we get kitted out for the journey. Most things found in this location are unnecessary for the quest, but there are some essentials as well. In a comfortable burrow with a round window and a green door to the east > read note "See you at Rivendell. The matter is urgent. Watch out for the Black Riders All the best, Gandalf." > say to pippin "open chest, open drawer, open cupboard." (Note: this counts as three actions, and as such it will take Pippin three turns to complete.) > say to sam "take backpack and put rope in backpack." (Note: and while Pippin is busy we can get Sam to do things for us.) (Note: the command 'say to sam "hello." can be abbreviated to 'sam "hello.") > take matchbox > pippin "take backpack and put food in backpack." > sam "take bottle and put bottle in backpack." > open door > e (Note: if we want to leave without our companions, leave the door closed and go through the window.) In a sunny well-tended garden > s On a broad paved highway > w At a crossroads surrounded by farmlands > w In a large grassy square > n Michel Delving town hall > e In the mayor's office (Note: now that we've been here, we are allowed to enter the Mathom House.) > w Michel Delving town hall > s In a large grassy square > w At the entrance to the Mathom House > w In a large hall > take candle > read book In this book, Traveller's Tales, the pale green jewels are mentioned for the first time. "... Elfstones are pale green jewels that are rumoured to have magical properties of protection from evil. They can be found in many places, though the secret of their use is known only to those learned in ancient lore." A green jewel is mentioned in the chapter "Many Meetings" in the Fellowship of the Ring book as part of Bilbo's poem. Elfstone is a name used by Strider/Aragorn. > e At the entrance to the Mathom House > e In a large grassy square > e At a crossroads surrounded by farmlands > e On a broad paved highway > e On a stretch of broad paved highway > s In a small grassy glade > e Very thick part of the forest > se Western edge of a large farm > e Farmyard > wait > wait > wait > maggot "baggins." > n Farmer's kitchen > wait > eat meal (Note: eating from time to time is necessary, but in modern-day IF it's regarded as old-fashioned.) > mrs maggot "thank you." Farmer Maggot will tell us something about the black riders now: "Been a few queer fellows about recently. All in black and asking after Baggins. They went up the east road when I said there weren't no Baggins here." > s Farmyard ... and give us some advice: "Go east and south. Take the ferry and keep off the east road. It's too dangerous." > e At the eastern edge of a large farm (Note: using the ferry is very tedious and expensive in food. Better to use the bridge. Save your game at this location first.) (Note: some timing using the "wait" command may be necessary to avoid running into black riders. Having to wait as much as 4 times before the road is safe is no exception.) (Note: if you still want to use the ferry, go south here and on the landing turn the handle four or five times to draw the ferry to your side of the river. "get on ferry" to board. Then use the handle again to move you to the far side.) > n Western bank of a broad river > e On a stone bridge > e Eastern bank > s At a wooden landing-stage on the east bank of the Brandywine River > e In a comfortable furnished cottage with round windows (Note: we have arrived at the house at Crickhollow.) Part II, the green jewel matter ------------------------------- Just like Frodo proposed in chapter 5 of The Fellowship of the Ring ("A Conspiracy Unmasked"), we now go off in a quite unexpected direction. In this case though, it is downright unexpectedly unexpected -- an unusual sidequest that will take us all the way west of the Shire. > merry "take meal." (Note: the long trip on which we now embark will likely tax our food supply, so we take anything edible we come across.) > w At a wooden landing-stage on the east bank of the Brandywine River > n Eastern bank > n On a high rocky outcrop overlooking a river > nw On a brushy clifftop at the northeast end of the lake > sw Sandy beach > w Grassy bluff > w Grassy plain > s Glade at the edge of a thick hilly forest (Note: we are about to enter a maze of sorts. Lots of turning and identically-named locations.) > sw Winding grassy path in the Tower Hills > s Winding grassy path in the Tower Hills > e Winding grassy path in the Tower Hills > ne Glade at the edge of a thick hilly forest > sw Foothills of the Blue Mountains > eat meal (Note: we eat the meal here, but YMMV.) > w Blue Mountains > s Monastery (Note: we are sent away with a quest; to confront a knight and then a lady.) > eat meal (Note: now it gets tricky. Save game here.) > n Blue Mountains > w Forested plains of Harlindon > eat (Note: we need food for strength.) > wear ring (Note: we leave our comrades behind here. They would not survive the next part. Wearing the ring will stop them from following us.) > n In the seemingly deserted town of Harlond > w Rocky promontory above the ocean > drop all > s Beside a tall green tower > kill knight > kill knight > kill knight > take medallion (Note: OK. That was weird.) > n Rocky promontory above the ocean > take all > e In the seemingly deserted town of Harlond (Note: your friends rejoin you here.) > eat > s Forested plains of Harlindon > e Blue Mountains > e Foothills of the Blue Mountains > se Beside a beautiful red tower > lady "no" > lady "no" > lady "no" > take medallion (Note: the weirdness goes on.) > nw Foothills of the Blue Mountains > w Blue Mountains > s Monastery (Note: with the medallion, we are let through.) > open door > s Outside an observatory > knock on door > wait > wait > wait (Note: RADAGAST!!) > s Observatory > wait > wait > read scroll "O Elbereth Giltoniel" Radagast now says: "Elfstones can be used to destroy the Undead, by using the words on this scroll." and gives us the pale green jewel. > radagast "thank you." > wait (Note: all these weird people tend to disappear in a puff of smoke!) > d Outside an observatory > n Monastery > eat > n Blue Mountains > e Foothills of the Blue Mountains > ne Glade at the edge of a thick hilly forest (Note: we now return to civilization.) > n Winding grassy path > s Winding grassy path > n Winding grassy path > w Glade at the edge of a thick hilly forest > n Grassy plain > e Grassy bluff > s Sandy beach > merry "swim." > merry "get out." (Note: another most remarkable exchange. Merry, being a Bucklander, might have been able to handle boats and perhaps even to swim (according to Chapter 5, A Conspiracy Unmasked in the original text), but this aquatic performance is as far fetched as anything. Anyway, Merry now has gained two pale magic jewels.) > ne Brushy clifftop > eat > se High rocky outcrop > se eastern bank > s Wooden landing-stage > e Comfortably furnished cottage (Note: home sweet home!) > drop scroll and medallion Part III, to Bree ----------------- In which we enter the Old Forest, penetrate the Barrow Downs, and arrive at the gate of Bree. > e At the entrance to a dark tunnel > open matchbox > light match > light candle with match > e Dark tunnel > give candle to sam > e At the entrance to a dark tunnel > e Mossy place in the Old Forest (Note: now things get cumbersome. The trees in the Old Forest shift and move, and open and close passageways to other parts of the forest. You must wait and try and wait and try before the right direction becomes accessible.) > se Stony place in the Old Forest > e Gloomy place in the Old Forest > sam "climb tree." > wait (Note: wait many times, perhaps 5 times, before Sam returns. He also has a tendency to climb it again after he returned -- that means more waiting. Anyway, he reports that there is a town to the southeast, and he also should now have another pale green jewel.) > look at sam (Note: he should have the jewel.) > n Flowery glade in the Old Forest > se Bare hilltop > s Path along the bank of the river Withywindle (Note: you might be hungry by now. A drink also helps.) > drink wine > ne Beside a huge old willow, with deep fissures in its trunk (Note: Old man Willow. He abducts our friends!) > ne In a long low room with exposed beams (Note: Tom Bombadil!) > tom "help." > sw Beside a huge old willow, with deep fissures in its trunk > wait (Note: we now have lots of pale green jewels. (Note: after Tom has saved our three companions, go northeast immediately.) > ne In a long low room with exposed beams > wait > eat meal > pippin "take meal." > tom "thank you." (Note: politeness towards NPC's is a Good Thing.) > e A high country of short springy turf > e Barrow entrance > e Large underground gardening shed > take plant > look in pot > merry "take jewel." > e Large dimly-lit room crammed with various beings drinking and dancing to the music of an incredibly loud heavy metal orc band (Note: now, this is just silly.) > e In a dank hollow surrounded by fog In a large room lit by a dim yellow glow (Note: this automatic transition from one new room to the next happens only the first time we visit. If we go here again, we get trapped in the dank hollow.) (Note: there is a barrow wight here, but apart from preventing you from leaving he seems harmless, if a bit creepy.) > sam "take sword." > pippin "take sword." > merry "take sword." > take sword (Note: now we must save our game. Black riders may be encountered in the next location.) > wear ring > e At the wooden gate set in a high stone wall to the southwest > take off ring > knock on hatch (Fun fact: nobody answers our knocking if we're still wearing the ring.) > gatekeeper "underhill." > sw Cobbled square in Bree Part IV: to the last bridge --------------------------- In which we must outmaneuver the Black Riders in order to cross the last bridge. > w Low-ceilinged room with oaken beams overhead > barliman "underhill." > w Small room (Note: oh look, a small room!) (Note: we can use the opportunity to redistribute items and get rid of unnecessary stuff.) > drop plant > drop match > e Low-ceilinged room with oaken beams overhead > read letter The letter is written by Gandalf and says "Bad news has reached me, I must go. You may meet a friend, called Strider, a tall man in a dark green cloak. He can be trusted. Go to Rivendell, Elrond will advise you. Yours, Gandalf P.S. Don't use It. Strider's true name is Aragorn." > e Cobbled square in Bree (Note: we'll come back for Strider in a moment.) > open red door > s General store (Note: this may be the last store of food before the end of the game.) > merry "take all."" (Note: we can use the moment to redistribute the pale green jewels. Each should have exactly one, except merry, who is to carry the rest.) > look > pippin "give jewel to merry." (Note: while Merry is getting things, the rest of the party can go and do something else.) > n Cobbled square in Bree > n Decrepit barroom (Note: it seems we have some black riders cornered here. Heh. Let's try this magic spell thing.) > o elbereth gilthoniel (Note: sweet.) (Note: Merry now carries three or four jewels, which is lethal for him when the spell is used. He should therefore not be in the same location when the spell is used; in this case we parked him in the general store.) > s (Note: Merry rejoins the party.) > merry "give jewel to pippin." > merry "give jewel to sam." > merry "give jewel to me." (Note: ready for the next black trio.) (Note: this is a good moment to save our game.) > w Low-ceilinged room with oaken beams overhead > stranger "hello." (Note: Strider introduces himself.) > wait > follow strider (Note: we go on a tour of the local scenery. If we don't do this, parts of the area just become an unnavigable maze.) Cobbled square in Bree > wait > wait > follow strider Great wooden gate > follow strider Country of marshes and bogs > follow strider Straight broad leafy path > follow strider Paved path running north-south > follow strider Paved path running north-south > follow strider Small gloomy bowl-shaped dell with a pool at the bottom > follow strider Bare hilltop (Note: we get a short break here. It seems we are supposed to see Gandalf's message on the large flat stone.) > examine flat stone "Waited here but was attacked by Black Riders and forced to flee. Fear for your safety, find Elfstones and learn the ancient secret of their use. Michel Delving has some old records, time is of the essence. Good fortune! Gandalf." Great. He tells us now. It seems that we were expected to come all this way straight from Hobbiton, read this, then walk back to Michel Delving, ultimately go to the Blue Mountains, and then here again. > strider "follow me." (Note: at first, Strider says no.) > follow strider Small gloomy bowl-shaped dell with a pool at the bottom > follow strider Paved path running north-south > follow strider Paved path running north-south > follow strider Straight broad leafy path > follow strider Country of marshes and bogs > follow strider Circle of standing stones > follow strider Ruins of Fornost fortress > strider "follow me." (Note: second time, Strider says yes.) "My friend the starling has flown from the blue mountains to the southwest, to let us know Radagast the Brown is willing to help us." > eat pumpkin > e Circle of standing stones > s Country of marshes and bogs > e Straight broad leafy path > e Paved path running north-south > s Paved path running north-south > e Small gloomy bowl-shaped dell with a pool at the bottom > e Bare hilltop (Note: now things get a bit hairy. We move south to the main road, and it's likely that we run into black riders. We have a sufficient number of green jewels to cope with one team, but it seems not entirely predictable which side gets the initiative so that we have to try one or two turns of waiting to get it right. Therefore, save your game here now!) > s Broad paved highway running through desolate rocky country (Note: cast spell as soon as black riders are met. In the making of this walkthrough this happened as soon as we stepped on the road, but YMMV.) > o elbereth gilthoniel > e West bank of a swift river > e Stone bridge over a swift deep river > e East bank of a swift river *** And that's the first half of the game done. It's possible to do it quicker by using a more pragmatic route instead of the grand sight-seeing tour shown here. We might avoid a large part of the Old Forest by using the road on the north for example, or skip the Barrow Downs sequence. Either of those short-cuts would deprive us of one pale green jewel, but judiciously timed use of the East-West road towards the end may reduce the number of jewels required. It is also said that the jewels may not be necessary at all to reach the finish safely. It may also be possible to make more efficient use of the food caches found along the way.