The Fellowship of the Rings for MS-DOS featured many bitmap images illustrating Frodo's journey. The Commodore 64 version by Addison-Wesley had a smaller number of pictures, but with up to sixteen colors instead of the four native to CGA mode 1 on MS-DOS. The Melbourne House version of the game, called Lord of the Rings Game One, for Commodore 64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, and others came with a much smaller number of vector-drawn pictures, due to the fact that the game was a single-load affair to accomodate cassette users.
Hereafter follows an overview of the scenes on these three versions, broken down in four stages of the game. All screenshots have been obtained using DOSBox, Vice Commodore, and Fuse ZX Spectrum emulators. Some images for the Melbourne House version have been taken from the "beginner's game" for lack of other material, for a total of 14 images instead of just 5.
From Bag End to the house at Crickhollow
MS-DOS (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Melbourne House) |
Melbourne House illustration from beginner's game. |
Melbourne House illustration from beginner's game. |
From the house at Crickhollow to the Blue Mountains and back
MS-DOS (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Melbourne House) |
From the house at Crickhollow to Bree
MS-DOS (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Melbourne House) |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game on ZX Spectrum. |
Melbourne House illustration from beginner's game. |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game on ZX Spectrum. |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game. |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game. |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game. |
Melbourne House illustration taken from the beginner's game. |
From Bree to the Last Bridge
MS-DOS (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Addison-Wesley) |
Commodore 64 (Melbourne House) |